Is Dating a Single Mom a Bad Idea?

One of the advantages of dating single moms is that you aren’t the end-all-be-all of their world. This can also be challenging.

When dating a single mom, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to get your relationship going on the right foot.

3 Things to Know About Dating a Single Mom

The following may be pros or cons, depending on how much of a single mother’s time and energy you’re expecting.

1. A Single Mom’s Family Comes First

While some women always seem to want your attention, dating a single mother has the advantage of space between her needs and you.

Many men appreciate the fact that with single mothers, there are other parts of their world that keep their attention, in addition to their boyfriend. You are a potential plaything that will add to her world.

These aren’t the desperate attention-seeking co-eds. These are women who have their priorities straight!

2. Communication is on a Single Mom’s Terms

Sorry fellas – if you’re looking for a twenty-something college sophomore who texts you every five minutes and fills up your inbox with emails all day long, dating a single mother will be somewhat different.

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Communication with single moms is always on her terms. There will be times when you will go hours without a message while she tends to her son’s or daughter’s needs.

Yes – someone who is not going to fill your phone with meaningless texts! When you do get that message from the single mom you’re dating, it’ll be worth it.

3. Single Moms are Eager Lovers

Some of the most open-minded, and sexually advanced ladies I’ve ever had the pleasure of dating were single moms.

When their days are filled with taking care of their family, their nights are spent taking care of themselves – and that includes their sexual desires. All that pent-up sexual energy needs to be released somewhere!

You’ll be missing out if you decide to pass up dating a single mom because they are some of the most mature, level-headed, and sexually adventurous women you will ever meet.

Read: How to Get a MILF and Keep Her

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